

文化 - 2016年12月14日


乔伊伦纳德 | Waupaca铸造


Brian Lewis is the Executive Director of the 铸造教育基金会, an organization established in 1947 that strengthens the metalcasting industry by fostering partnerships between educational institutions and industry to ensure today's students are tomorrow's leaders.

我很高兴与威尼斯注册送38元的客户分享我的想法, 供应商和合作伙伴,标志着我们行业的又一成就. 这是第一次 铸造教育基金会 (FEF) has established an endowed faculty chair at one of its certified schools!  The faculty chair was created in the 工业 Studies Metals Processing Technology program at the 威斯康星大学“Platteville. 这一重要里程碑的实现要感谢来自 Waupaca铸造,几个主要贡献者包括 獾矿业, Neenah铸造, 科勒基金会, 美国胶体公司, 岩浆, Aarowcast以及其他公司、校友和 FEF之友.  的养老, 与FEF的使命一致, will ensure the university continues to educate the next generation of foundry leaders. The UW-Platteville foundry program is under the leadership of FEF Key professor, Dr. 凯尔Metzloff.  Earnings from the endowment will underwrite his salary to ensure this top tier program continues to produce outstanding technical graduates for the metalcasting industry.

作为一个组织, FEF provides support for 20 certified universities with foundry programs through donations from partner companies and individuals. 我们已经奖励了超过1美元.500万奖学金, FEF supported foundry programs have placed over 400 graduates in metalcasting jobs in the last five years. A number of those graduates are employed at Waupaca铸造 and other foundries throughout the Midwest—many are alumni of the foundry program at UW-Platteville.

This endowment is a precedent for FEF and would not have been possible without support from Waupaca铸造, 我们的竞选内阁, 以及我们众多慷慨的企业和个人捐助者. Our goal was to create a sustainable model to ensure those passionate teachers—the FEF Key Professors—stay at reputable universities. These educators are critical to igniting passion for metalcasting in talented and highly qualified students.


在沃帕卡大学的支持下,我们的组织选择了威斯康星大学普拉特维尔分校和博士. Metzloff for this groundbreaking endowment because his leadership has created excitement and curiosity in students. This is something that Waupaca has experienced for many years in hiring UW-Platteville graduates. Dr. Metzloff的计划 focuses on hands-on experience in the foundry lab and real-world exposure to working foundries along with a broad-based curriculum. These aspects encourage graduates to realize the potential of a career in metalcasting. Manufacturing in the United States is graying and we all know it's essential to our partners to continue to attract the best and brightest into technical curriculums like the UW-Platteville program. 除此之外, the metalcasting industry needs people who have a passion and interest for foundry work—young people who look at manufacturing and get excited about the durable products made.

该项目的几名毕业生将荣誉归于博士. 梅茨洛夫吸引他们从事铸造工作的激情和热情. Kelsey Schwantes is a lead process engineer for Waupaca铸造 and said the program gave her unlimited opportunities. 这不仅是因为凯尔的教学方式,还因为他的行业关系. It's not just classroom instruction, it's the tours and the lab work that drive everything."

Ryan Hansch is an assistant tooling manager at Waupaca铸造 and credits the real-world experience he got as a student with his success. "Platteville is regarded as one of the better schools in the nation for its foundry program because a lot of what happens in the real world actually does happen in that lab."

Steve Nygaard is a tooling engineer who got early exposure to working foundries in Dr. Metzloff的计划. "We got exposed to industry professionals while we were still students so we got used to talking to everyone from the guy who runs the molding machine to the guy who owns the foundry. It got me comfortable talking to people who I would eventually be asking for a job."

Graduates from the Platteville program are at some of the nation's largest manufacturers, like Mary Cartier who is a continuous improvement coordinator for Kohler Company. 她说,铸造厂项目让她看到了从事制造业的前景. “人们对铸造行业的工作有很多误解. Millennials don't want to sit in a cubicle all day long and in my job I'm only at my desk 25% of the day. I'm always doing something different, talking to people, using my creative skills."

Dr. Metzloff credits hands-on lab work with generating great enthusiasm in the students, 但他非常清楚这个项目的成本. The space and operational costs required for a foundry lab are an investment for any university, but updated facilities and quality teachers are critical to sustaining successful metalcasting programs. 博士. 用Metzloff的话来说,他很感激对他项目的投资. "This shows that Waupaca铸造 and Hitachi Metals have confidence in our program to supply their needs into the future. Their foresight is amazing and allows Platteville to build a program that will continue for generations, 超出了我的时间范围."

自1947年以来, FEF's goal has been consistent in its mission to contribute to the success of the metalcasting industry starting with investing in our young people. 有像博士这样鼓舞人心的老师. Metzloff和Waupaca铸造等合作伙伴, we will be able to continue to steer our best young technical minds into the foundry field.

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